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ISO/TS 10004-2010

ISO 10004

Guidelines for Customer Satisfaction Quality Management System
ISO 10004 provides an organization with a guide to help establish effective procedures for monitoring and measuring customer satisfaction. It aims to apply to all sizes and industries. An important part of the many benefits that can be gained from applying this specification is the solution to customer complaints, customer satisfaction, customer-centricity and personal motivation to improve relationships with customers.

Specifically, the focus of this standard is to accurately understand the satisfaction of individuals or organizations receiving products or services from public or private organizations and to ensure that the organization develops through appropriate responses to them.
The importance of ISO 10004
ISO 10004 is appropriate for any organization that wishes to exceed customer expectations and is the most basic requirement that can be applied to various industries of all shapes and sizes, regardless of whether the organization is personal, public, or voluntary.

Customer satisfaction is determined by the difference between the customer's expectations and the customer's perception of the product supplied by the organization (enterprise). In order to achieve customer satisfaction, companies (organizations) must understand customer expectations first.

The level of customer satisfaction determines the level of customer satisfaction by which the product is supplied and meets the customer's expectations. It is important that there is a feature between the organization's perspective on the quality of the delivered product and the customer's perception. Because this feature determines the degree of customer satisfaction in the future.
  1. Items performed by the organization to achieve customer satisfaction
  2. Identify and understand customer expectations
  3. Collect customer satisfaction information
  4. Analyze customer satisfaction information
  5. Presentation of opinions to improve customer satisfaction
  6. Management supervision of customer satisfaction progress